Brainspotting Therapy and Intensives

Brainspotting therapy San Diego
Where you look affects how you feel.
— David Grand

Brainspotting is a somatic brain-based intervention that helps you heal what traditional talk therapy can’t. This intervention is highly effective in reducing symptoms of panic, anxiety, and depression. Trauma and deeply rooted false beliefs about ourselves are often trapped in the limbic brain. Brainspotting is a direct approach that taps into the limbic system and nervous system to release trauma that is stuck. It also brings awareness to false or distorted beliefs. Talk therapy only accesses the cerebral cortex. The limbic system is responsible for regulating our emotions and impulses while the cerebral cortex is responsible for our objective or rational thoughts. Brainspotting helps release what is frozen deep in the brain so that we are no longer responding to the present based on hurts from past experiences. Brainspotting is just as effective in Telehealth sessions. This is a great modality for attachment repair, trauma, and performance anxiety. Brainspotting results in your ability to remain calm and regulated even when you feel emotionally triggered.

Is a Brainspotting Intensive a good fit for me?

You might be a good fit for a Brainspotting intensive if:

  • You suffer from PTSD

  • You experienced a traumatic event that continues to cause emotional distress. (Natural disaster, sexual assault, witnessing or experiencing a violent event, unexpected death of a loved one)

  • You have experienced secondary trauma/indirect trauma by being exposed to traumatic stories or images shared by another individual

  • You are currently in ongoing individual therapy and feel stuck with resolving a traumatic memory

  • You have one specific unresolved issue you need support with and feel engaging in long-term therapy would not be the right fit.

  • A Brainspotting intensive is designed to accelerate the healing process. You can achieve life changing healing in a matter of days rather than months or years. In the long run, intensives are more cost effective than weekly therapy because more work is accomplished in a shorter time frame.

    • 90 minute intake assessment required for all new clients.

    • Full day (4 hour) intensive will occur 1-2 days after the 90 minute intake.

    • The session will begin at 9am for 90 minutes. Fifteen minute break around 10:30am then resume for an additional 90 minute session. Take a one hour break for lunch, then resume for an additional 60 minute session.

    • The intensive will conclude with a follow up 50 minute session a week later.

    • Extended 90 minute sessions available for current clients.

  • 50% deposit will be required to confirm your appointment dates and times. The remaining balance will be paid after the intensive is completed.

    • 90 minute intake assessment is required for new clients $275

    • Full day intensive $800 per day (4 hours of therapy per day)

    • 50 minute follow up appointment will occur one week after the intensive $150

    • Current clients interested in extended 90 minute sessions $250

  • Engaging in relaxing substance free activities before, during, and after the intensive is highly recommended. For example, calming activities such as yoga, exercise, meditation, acupuncture, playing with your pets, reading, etc.

    If needed, you will be taught grounding and meditative skills to help you throughout your intensive.

Questions before getting started?